Elevating AI Language Tutoring to Human-like Proficiency
Remneys is an innovative EdTech company that brings you an AI language tutor for immersive conversational learning, minus the human factor.
  • Adaptive Learning
    Our AI dynamically adjusts your learning path, responding directly to your evolving needs.
  • Progress Tracking
    With detailed analytics, we fine-tune your learning experience, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Tailored to Your Communication Habits
    Our AI tutor adapts to your unique language usage and communication style, making the learning process feel more natural and intuitive.
  • Celebration of Achievements
    We acknowledge every milestone, big or small, adding a rewarding aspect to your learning journey.
Our Product
Our AI closely replicates a human tutor: it interacts with you, comprehends speech, identifies and amends mistakes, and designs the most effective exercises for rapid progress.

Our exercises are meticulously personalized. They align with your existing language skills and vocabulary, and are paced according to your individual learning rhythm and emotional state.
8 The Green, Ste A, Dover, Kent, DE 19901, USA

[email protected]

© 2023 Remneys